The AMSAT News Service bulletins are a free, weekly news and infor- mation service of AMSAT North America, The Radio Amateur Satellite Corporation. ANS publishes news related to Amateur Radio in Space including reports on the activities of a worldwide group of Amateur Radio operators who share an active interest in designing, building, launching and communicating through analog and digital Amateur Radio satellites.
The news feed on http://www.amsat.org publishes news of Amateur Radio in Space as soon as our volunteers can post it.
Please send any amateur satellite news or reports to: ans-editor at amsat.org.
In this edition:
* Goodbye HAMSAT-VO52 - Rest In Peace * Ham TV Test Mode Operation, Planned start-up on 22 July * Amazon Smile Update * Return envelope sent with AMSAT-NA ballot package has old address * Reid Wiseman KF5LKT Activates ARISS During ARRL Centennial * AMSAT Symposium Only Ten Weeks Away * 2014 AMSAT Symposium Trips, Social Events, and Tours * How to contribute to the Fox-1C satellite. * ARISS News * Satellite Shorts From All Over
SB SAT @ AMSAT $ANS-208.01 ANS-208 AMSAT News Service Weekly Bulletins
AMSAT News Service Bulletin 208.01
DATE July 27, 2014 To All RADIO AMATEURS BID: $ANS-208.01
Goodbye HAMSAT-VO52 - Rest In Peace
In a posting to the AMSAT-BB July 21, Mani Subramani, VU2WMY/KJ6LRS, Secretary & Station-In-Charge Upagrah Amateur Radio Club VU2URC ISRO Satellite Centre, sadly reported "HAMSAT VO-52 succumbed in Space on 11th July 2014..."
Dear Friends,
With heavy heart, I sadly convey, that our little angel 'HAMSAT VO- 52' would no more be able to offer her services to the 'Amateur Radio Fraternity. HAMSAT VO-52 succumbed in Space on 11th July 2014, while she was on her 49,675th orbit, due to the failure of on-board lithium ion batteries that have met their end of life.
Although her desires were to be at work with other systems and sub- systems working normal as per the latest telemetry received, the on- board computer recurring to 'Reset' mode due to the failure of batteries is preventing her to do so. Hence, it is decided not to expect any more meaningful and reliable services from HAMSAT VO-52.
Since 11th July, every best possible effort has been put in by the spacecraft controllers here in ISTRAC Bangalore to revive her back to life and to help her with work load, so she won't be swamped when she returns, but with no luck. Though it is hard, the HAMSAT VO-52 designers and controllers insist that the time has come to let the little angel free in space to go drifting on her own from their care and custody.
Thus, today 21st July 2014, ISRO have decommissioned 'HAMSAT-VO52' officially.
We all here in ISRO do definitely hope that 'HAMSAT VO-52' worked tirelessly and was a good friend to the 'Amateur Radio Fraternity' around the World. We are sure that HAMSAT was loved by all who worked through her. Though, we are deeply saddened by the loss of HAMSAT VO- 52, but she will never be forgotten and far from our hearts, minds and memories.
HAMSAT VO-52 will always be remembered by all of us here in ISRO as one of the greatest satellites of ours.
Dear 'HAMSAT', looking at the sky, we all say 'Good Bye' to you. You'll be greatly missed. Rest in Peace.
Nevertheless, at this point of time, on behalf of the World Amateur Radio Fraternity, we thank each and everyone who contributed to the great success of 'HAMSAT'.
Particularly, our sincere thanks to the Chairman ISRO, Dr. K. Radhakrishnan, past chairmen Dr. Kasthurirangan, Dr. G. Madhavan Nair, Director-ISAC Dr. S.K.Shiva Kumar, past ISAC Directors Dr. P.S. Goel, Dr. Shankara, Dr. T.K. Alex, Director-ISTRAC Shri. B.S. Chandrasekhar, scientific secretary Dr. Koteshwar Rao, Project Director-Shri. J.P. Gupta, Deputy project Directors, Mission Director- Shri. R.Suresh, Operations Director-Shri. Parimalarangan and each and every person directly or in-directly contributed.
At this point of time, we also thank AMSAT-India and in particular, lateShri. Nagesh Upadhyaya-VU2NUD, Shri. B.S. Gajendra Kumar-VU2BGS, Shri. Prathap Kumar-VU2POP, Air Commodore. Subramanian-VU2UV, Shri. V.P. Sandlas-VU2VP, Dr.R. Ramesh-VU2RMS, Shri. Nitin-VU3TYG, Mr. Williams Leijenaar PE1RAH and each and every member.
Pasted below is the message from Mr. R. Suresh, Mission Director:
HAMSAT, the first small satellite by ISRO has been Decommissioned after nearly a decade of service to the World Ham community.
A true masterpiece among small satellites, designed for one year mission life, but exceeded all expectations by serving for almost 10 years. A truly autonomous satellite, with "Zero maintenance" in terms of Mission operations, it provided a springboard to test many new concepts such as BMU. LI-ion based power system, automatic Spin rate control and Auto SAOC for maintaining the Satellite attitude without any ground commanding.
HAMSAT known as "OSCAR-52" among the Amateur HAM operators has been very popular because of its high sensitivity receiver and strong transmitter. Indian Radio Amateurs on many occasions conveyed to us that they have been greatly honored to share the adulations showered on ISRO and INDIA by the International Radio Amateur for gifting this wonderful satellite "HAMSAT".
I take this opportunity to applaud the HAMSAT teams at ISAC, ISTRAC and other centre for their efforts and support, which has made ISRO proud among the HAM users across the globe.
--- Mani [VU2WMY/KJ6LRS] Secretary & Station-In-Charge Upagrah Amateur Radio Club VU2URC ISRO Satellite Centre
[ANS thanks Mani VU2WMY/KJ6LRS for the above information]
Ham TV Test Mode Operation, Planned start-up on 22 July
Ham TV Test Mode Operation, Planned start-up on Tuesday, July 22
It was announced that HAM TV on board the International Space Station (ISS) will be activated on Tuesday, July 22, 2014 at 9:55 UTC. Operation will be in the Blank Transmission mode.
The signal is sent from the ISS Columbus module and will be in Configuration 4: 2.395 GHz and 2.0 MSym/sec. Operation will continue through August 6, 2014.
ARISS-Europe Chair, Gaston Bertels invites ground stations to submit reception reports to the following website, http://www.spaceflightsoftware.com/ARISS_FSTV/submit.php
[ANS thanks David Jordan, AA4KN, ARISS PR for the above information]
Amazon Smile Update
AMSAT-NA is participating in the AmazonSmile program. AmazonSmile is a simple and automatic way for you to support your favorite charitable organization every time you shop at Amazon.com, at no cost to you.
Amazon will donate 0.5% of eligible AmazonSmile purchases to the charitable organization of your choice. If you do business with Amazon you can apply your donation by logging into your Amazon account using http://smile.amazon.com/ch/52-0888529 to designate AMSAT-NA as the organization of your choice. You must use the URL smile.amazon.com for AMSAT (or another charity) to receive the donation from your purchases.
The AMSAT Office reports that to date, AMSAT-NA has received $66.62 from Amazon Smile. If you shop on Amazom.com we encourage your participation. Every little bit helps.
[ANS thanks Martha at the AMSAT Office for the above information]
Return envelope sent with AMSAT-NA ballot package has old address
After the 2014 AMSAT-NA Board of Directors election ballots were mailed, we were notified by our printer that old stock return envelopes were inadvertently included. These have the old Silver Spring, MD address. The ballot postcard and other documents have the correct Kensington, MD address. Mail is being efficiently forwarded to the new AMSAT-NA office address, and will continue to be forwarded for several months. You may use either the envelope included in the packet, or your own envelope or address label to send the ballot to the current address:
AMSAT The Radio Amateur Satellite Corporation 10605 Concord Street Kensington, MD 20895 USA
We and our printer regret any inconvenience. Whichever method you chose, please return them promptly to ensure that your ballot is received by 15 September!
Alan Biddle WA4SCA AMSAT Corporate Secretary
[ANS thanks Alan WA4SCA for the above information]
Reid Wiseman KF5LKT Activates ARISS During ARRL Centennial
An unexpected treat happened in Hartford on Saturday morning during the ARRL Centennial. Patrick Stoddard WD9EWK had planned on being outside the convention center for ISS passes, prepared to show off the ISS digipeater, and - if a voice was heard on 145.800 MHz talk to an ISS crewmember.
Patrick reports, "The first of the three workable passes from Hartford came a little while before the convention officially opened for the day at 0835 local/1235 UTC. The ISS was passing across the northern sky, with maximum elevation of 25 degrees. I heard only packet on 145.825 MHz, and was ableto bounce a few packets through the ISS digipeater using a TH-D72A and Elk dual-band log periodic antenna.
"The next pass, around 1010 local/1410 UTC, was the best of the passes fornthe morning - going across the southwestern sky with maximum elevation ofn59 degrees. I had a radio listening to both 145.800 and 145.825 MHz. I heard nothing on 145.825 MHz, but thought I heard something on 145.800 MHz.
"I started calling for NA1SS using my TH-D72A/Elk combination, and Reid Wiseman (the same astronaut who was on for Field Day last month) answered my call. My audience went crazy, and I was happy to make contact and have a nice 3- to 4- minute chat.
"I asked Reid if he might be on the microphone for the next pass over the eastern USA around 1200 local/1600 UTC. He said he would try, and we were outside for that as well.
"Once we told people in the hall of the successful contact, the ARRL made sure there was a larger crowd outside for this pass. Several minutes before AOS, I was out there again, this time answering lots of questions from different people. After AOS, I started calling for NA1SS, but never heard anything on 145.800 MHz during the shallow (maximum elevation 6 degrees) pass."
[ANS thanks Patrick WD9EWK for the above information]
AMSAT Symposium Only Ten Weeks Away
Billed as the Charm City Space Symposium, AMSAT-NA's 32nd Symposium and Annual Meeting will be held October 10-12, 2014 in Baltimore, Maryland.
* Board of Directors meeting on October 9 and morning of October 10. * Technical presentations on satellite design/operating begin the afternoon of October 10 and continue October 11. * Meet AMSAT Officers and Board members. * Meet and greet fellow satellite operators. * Satellites on display. * Annual general meeting afternoon of October 10. * Saturday evening annual banquet with door prizes. * Sunday morning Area Coordinator's breakfast. * Sunday ARISS Operations Team meeting. * Sunday and Monday tours.
Hotel: DoubleTree by Hilton -- Baltimore - BWI Airport 890 Elkridge Landing Rd, Linthicum, Maryland, 21090 Phone: 410-859-8400
Ask For: Radio Amateur Satellite Corporation Group or use the Code: RAS
AMSAT Special Room Rate--$99.00 per night $10 Breakfast Buffet Coupons--Full Hot and Cold Breakfast*
FREE Parking FREE WiFi Free Airport and Close-in Transportation Easy Train/Light Rail Service to Baltimore Inner Harbor & D.C. Metro Walking distance to National Electronics Museum
Special Guest Presentations
*Purchase at check-in
A registration form for the Symposium and all events may be downloaded at http://tinyurl.com/ANS208-SymposiumRegistration
Online registration is available through the AMSAT Store http://tinyurl.com/ANS208-OnlineRegistration
[ANS thanks AMSAT Office for the above information]
2014 AMSAT Symposium Trips, Social Events, and Tours
We will have two "working" events scheduled Sunday morning (October 12)-the Area Coordinators Breakfast and the ARISS Operations Team Meeting.
Similar to last year's symposium, two opportunities for tours are planned for the 2014 Space Symposium:
1) On Sunday October 12 (Afternoon), several Small Group/Light Rail tours are being planned. Symposium participants can choose one of the following tours: Baltimore Inner Harbor Tour (including the Aquarium), the B&O Railroad Museum, Edgar Allen Poe House or the National Electronics Museum.
2) On Columbus Day, Monday October 13 we will take a bus to the Washington Dulles airport area to tour the Udvar-Hazy Air and Space Museum. Udvar-Hazy is a phenomenal museum with hundreds of aircraft and spacecraft, including the Space Shuttle Discovery, an SR-71, Enola Gay, and many others. The plan is to leave the hotel at 9 am and return around 4 pm.
In order to get maximum benefit from all the holiday weekend events, the symposium committee suggests that symposium participants consider scheduling their airline flights for no earlier than 6 pm on Monday October 13.
[ANS thanks AMSAT Office for the above information]
How to contribute to the Fox-1C satellite
With the recent announcement of the launch opportunity for the Fox- 1C Cubesat, AMSAT has an immediate need to raise funds to cover both the launch contract and additional materials for construction and testing for Fox-1C. We have set a fundraising goal of $125,000 to cover these expenses over the next 12 months, and allow us to continue to keep amateur radio in space.
Contributing to Fox-1C: let us count the ways.
To contribute specifically to the Fox-1C satellite, you can specify this in your communication with AMSAT, and in the "For" line if you pay by check.
Via E-mail: martha@amsat.org
Via telephone:
From the US call toll free at (888) 322-6728 From all other locations call (301) 822-4376
Via regular mail: Radio Amateur Satellite Corporation (AMSAT) 10605 Concord St, #304 Kensington, MD 20895
On line: Go to www.amsat.org and select the "Support the Fox Satellite" DONATE button in the upper right. This will take you to PayPal where you may donate any amount. If desired, you can make this a monthly recurring donation. You may cancel this at any time through your PayPal account. All contributions at this time go directly to the Fox-1C satellite. This is specified in the Reference on the PayPal page.
Go to the AMSAT Store http://store.amsat.org/catalog/ and select General Donations from the left column. When you check out, note in the remarks section that you want the contribution to go to Fox-1C.
However you chose to contribute, thank you for helping to Keep Amateur Radio in Space!
[ANS thanks the AMSAT Office for the above information]
Join ARISS us on Facebook : Amateur Radio on the ISS (ARISS)
Follow ARISS on Twitter: @ARISS_status
There were no ARISS School Contacts the week of July 20-26, 2014. The radios were off for most of the week due to Progress undocking and docking.
Upcoming ARISS Contact Schedule
ESA 2014 Space Camp, Rossall School, Fleetwood, United Kingdom telebridge via via W6SRJ Contact is a go for: Tue 2014-07-29 14:01:13 UTC 53 deg Watch for live audio/video simulcast Http://www.batc.tv/streams/arissuk/
Space Jam 8, Rantoul Airport & Chanute Aerospace Museum, Rantoul IL, telebridge via W6SRJ Contact is a go for: Sat 2014-08-02 12:23:19 UTC 60 deg
ARISS is requesting listener reports for the above contacts. Due to issues with the Kenwood radio that are not fully understood at present, the Ericsson radio is going to be used for these contacts. ARISS thanks everyone in advance for their assistance. Feel free to send your reports to aj9n@amsat.org or aj9n@aol.com.
Several of you have sent me emails asking about the RAC ARISS website and not being able to get in. That has now been changed to http://www.ariss.org/
Note that there are links to other ARISS websites from this site.
QSL information may be found at: http://www.arrl.org/ARISS/arissfaq.html http://www.ariss.org/qsl-cards.html
The successful school list has been updated as of 2014-07-11 19:30 UTC.
Check out the Zoho reports of the ARISS contacts https://reports.zoho.com/ZDBDataSheetView.cc?DBID=412218000000020415
Exp. 39/40 on orbit Steve Swanson Aleksander Skvortsov Oleg Artemyev
Exp. 40/41 on orbit Maxim Suraev Gregory Wiseman KF5LKT Alexander Gerst KF5ONO
From 2014-11-10 to 2014-12-07, there will be no US Operational
Segment (USOS) hams on board ISS. Any schools contacts during this period will be conducted by the ARISS Russia team.
[ANS thanks ARISS, Charlie AJ9N and David AA4KN for the above information]
Satellite Shorts From All Over
+ 2014 AMSAT-UK International Space Colloquium Presentations to be Archived
Although the AMSAT-UK International Space Colloquium ends Sunday the British Amateur Radio Club (BATC) would like to inform everyone that post conference, the videos will be available at http://batc.tv/ under "Film Archive". Select the AMSAT2014 category.
Trevor M5AKA suggests that, in theory some videos may be uploaded at 18:00 BST (1700 GMT) on Saturday. Best thing is to check batc.tv film archive and see if any have turned up, if they have you can be fairly sure that Sunday's will be joining them on the same place.
The programme for the Colloquium is available at http://amsat-uk.org/colloquium/colloquium-2014/
[ANS thank Trevor M5AKA for the above information]
+ Join AMSAT on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/groups/7828379515/
+ Follow AMSAT on Twitter https://twitter.com/amsat @amsat
+ Visit AMSAT online http://www.amsat.org
+ Join ARISS on Facebook http://tinyurl.com/ANS208-ARISS-Facebook Amateur Radio on the ISS (ARISS)
+ Follow ARISS on Twitter: https://twitter.com/ARISS_status @ARISS_status
+ Visit ISS Fan Club http://http://www.issfanclub.com/
+ Follow ISS Fan Club on Twitter https://twitter.com/rs0iss @rs0iss
+ New Version of FUNcube Dashboard Released
According to a Tweet released by @FUNcubeUK early Saturday morning, a version 847 of FUNcube Dashboard has been released. Download it now from funcube.org.uk/working-documents/funcube-telemetry-dashboard
In addition to regular membership, AMSAT offers membership in the President's Club. Members of the President's Club, as sustaining donors to AMSAT Project Funds, will be eligible to receive addi- tional benefits. Application forms are available from the AMSAT Office.
Primary and secondary school students are eligible for membership at one-half the standard yearly rate. Post-secondary school students enrolled in at least half time status shall be eligible for the stu- dent rate for a maximum of 6 post-secondary years in this status. Contact Martha at the AMSAT Office for additional student membership information.
73, This week's ANS Editor, EMike McCardel, KC8YLD kc8yld at amsat dot org
participants (1)
E.Mike McCardel