New videos demonstration of my tinny transponder

Everything has been prepared for the Ham Fair in Tokyo, so I got some time to make some new video demonstrations of my tinny transponder. On the AMSAT-BB I see some interresting articles about launch options, will see what the future brings. I am looking for something smaller than 1U cubesat, I worder if that can be done.
In the following video I show my transponder design in a CubeSat model that I made from transparent plastic glas.
The transponder only takes a small amount of volume, and might fit in most CubeSat experiment satellites.
Another option is to put one in a half CubeSat-structure. I don't know if there are also quarter Cube structures ??
Maybe it can reduce costs. Or have 4 in space for the price of 1U Cube...
Because the transponder and its connections are very small I made a Demoboard for easy testing and using.
In my second video I give a demostration of this Demoboard, on which the transponder can be placed and connected.
The Demoboard has an onboard 3.7V regulator which allows input voltages from 5V up to 15Vdc, which can be done in the way of a small supply adapter. The RF connections are all SMA, for easy testing and easy using.
In case of terresterial use where weight is no problem (E.g on top of mountain) the Demoboard can be used as well. On the SMA 2m output a linear power amplifier can be connected to boost up the RF power. The 200mW output of the transponder is enough to drive E.g the 2m all mode Mitsubishi M57713 power module, giving you almost 20W RF power.
The Demoboard I will demonstrate at the Ham Fair in Tokyo.
There the ham people can see it is not an hot air castle but real working hardware.
Enjoy ham radio,
Hope to meet you at the Ham Fair in Tokyo,
73 de PE1RAH, William Leijenaar
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William Leijenaar