Now that the weekend is here, I plan on trying the next 3 AO-85 passes from my back yard, and (for the latest pass) possibly the front yard. The middle of the 3 passes is almost directly overhead, and the latest pass - just before 0800 UTC - appears to cover Hawaii and parts of the southwestern USA. If anyone can be on AO-85 from Hawaii for that late pass (around 2200 local time in Hawaii), I will be happy to try working you from here in Arizona. The pass around 0800 UTC is up to 10 degrees maximum elevation on this end, but that should be sufficient if I operate from my west-facing driveway instead of my east-facing back yard.
I'll have my SDR setup receiving all 3 passes, but may have the SDRplay on my VHF crossed dipole for the middle of the 3 passes. I plan on trying an HT with my Elk for that pass, and will have the SDRplay on the omnidirectional antenna running to collect telemetry and (hopefully) my signals from the HT through AO-85.
Patrick WD9EWK/VA7EWK http://www.wd9ewk.net/ Twitter: @WD9EWK
participants (1)