Hudson Valley Satcom Group Net Tonight Jan 21 at 8PM ON Echolink N2EYH-L

21 Jan
21 Jan
9:52 a.m.
Hello everyone it is time again for the HVSG Net tonight Thursday, January at 8PM EST. We can be heard on Echolink N2EYH-L or on the Mt. Beacon ARC repeater at 146.970 pl 100 on your dial. On our last net we had four Amsat area coordinators from coast to coast. We had Pete/wb2oqq from Long Island in NY and Dee/nb2f in NJ and Patrick/wd9ewk from Arizona and Clint/k6lcs from California. Wow, what a great group to have together. So if you have any questions there is plenty of knowledge on the net to answer it. Please join us tonight and share your satellite expertise with us. 73 Gary/wa2aqh
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