W0JT and KL7NO Silent Key's (SK)

From: All-members [mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of Jon Platt via All-members Sent: Friday, November 29, 2019 1:21 PM To: [email protected] Subject: [All-members] W0JT and KL7NO Silent Key's (SK)
I am sorry to say that I have two SK reports to pass along to all Society members.
Albert “Al” Noe (81), KL7NO, from Fairbanks Alaska, passed away Monday evening, November 25, 21 months after being diagnosed with stage 4 Pancreatic cancer. Al was an avid 6 meter operator just outside of Fairbanks, Alaska in grid BP54. He was still active on 6 meters up until the very end. For over 40 years Al provided EME, AMSAT, and many other contacts on 6, 2, 1.25 meters, 70 & 23 centimeters from his Alaska QTH just outside of Fairbanks. Blanchard Family Funeral Home in Fairbanks will be handling Al’s services and an obituary will be published at a later date. https://www.blanchardfamilyfuneralhome.com/
John Toscano, W0JT, passed away Wednesday, November 27, in San Antonio. He fought a long battle against many health problems during the last several years. Since moving to Texas, he had almost completed his dream station (6-m through 10 GHz) at a great location (20 dB hilltop) and participated in both AMSAT and RMG club activities. Previously, while in Minnesota, he was a very active NLRS member on the VHF/UHF/SHF bands with fixed, rover and portable stations. As a retired pharmacist and U of MN assistant professor, John will be remembered for his programming contributions with his 10 GHz contest logging/scoring program and his on-line contest activity spreadsheets. He also had many interests in astronomy and astrophysics.
73, Jon
participants (1)
JoAnne K9JKM