Whenever you're promulgating your esoteric cogitations or articulating superficial philosophical observations, try to beware of platitudinous ponderousities.
Always let your extemporaneous descantings have intelligibility, veracious vivacity, thrasonical bombasity, and sedulously avoid all polysyllabic profundities.
In other words: Use PLAIN ENGLISH to communicate.
Clint Bradford K6LCS

Knock it off. Let's all get back to constructive discussions that benefit everyone.
73, Robert Bankston, KE4AL President Radio Amateur Satellite Corporation (AMSAT)
On Tue, Mar 16, 2021 at 1:08 PM Clint Bradford via AMSAT-BB < [email protected]> wrote:
Whenever you're promulgating your esoteric cogitations or articulating superficial philosophical observations, try to beware of platitudinous ponderousities.
Always let your extemporaneous descantings have intelligibility, veracious vivacity, thrasonical bombasity, and sedulously avoid all polysyllabic profundities.
In other words: Use PLAIN ENGLISH to communicate.
Clint Bradford K6LCS
Sent via AMSAT-BB(a)amsat.org. AMSAT-NA makes this open forum available to all interested persons worldwide without requiring membership. Opinions expressed are solely those of the author, and do not reflect the official views of AMSAT-NA. Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite program!
View archives of this mailing list at https://mailman.amsat.org/hyperkitty/list/[email protected] To unsubscribe send an email to amsat-bb-leave(a)amsat.org Manage all of your AMSAT-NA mailing list preferences at https://mailman.amsat.org

Dear All,
I could not resist to reply to this as so funny.
I may suggest another language which is a mixture of french, english, hindi, mandarin etc.. the 3B8 creole language, born with it I can only say that it is just a great one and the best bridge to close the communication gap between cultures.
The example below will be even more complicated if I translate it in the 3B8 language.
So do not use plain English and use 3B8 creole and in case you need some training on same please visit us as tourist revenue are most welcome in these difficult Covid days.
Just a joke and HI! from me
Jean Marc (3B8DU)
On Mar 16, 2021, at 10:07 PM, Clint Bradford via AMSAT-BB [email protected] wrote:
Whenever you're promulgating your esoteric cogitations or articulating superficial philosophical observations, try to beware of platitudinous ponderousities.
Always let your extemporaneous descantings have intelligibility, veracious vivacity, thrasonical bombasity, and sedulously avoid all polysyllabic profundities.
In other words: Use PLAIN ENGLISH to communicate.
Clint Bradford K6LCS
Sent via AMSAT-BB(a)amsat.org. AMSAT-NA makes this open forum available to all interested persons worldwide without requiring membership. Opinions expressed are solely those of the author, and do not reflect the official views of AMSAT-NA. Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite program!
View archives of this mailing list at https://mailman.amsat.org/hyperkitty/list/[email protected] To unsubscribe send an email to amsat-bb-leave(a)amsat.org Manage all of your AMSAT-NA mailing list preferences at https://mailman.amsat.org

I think the general idea is to "Eschew Obfuscation." ;-)

Sorry. When I sent the message immediately above, I forgot to sign my name.
73 de Bernie, KF0QS
participants (4)
Clint Bradford
Jean Marc Momple
Robert Bankston