Re: An Alien Pentagon base found on Saturn

On 1 Apr 2007 at 17:32, GEORGE ABBOTT wrote:
Luc: Secretive wire and cable traffic indicates that bin Laden has been captured in south west Asia. Have you heard anything up there?
Never heard that but on april fool day anything and everything is possible.
But one question remain is the high ranking officers are really interested in getting him? It will be hard to find out another "Arab evil" leader in the supposed war against the terrorist.
The terrorist on one side is a martyrdom and a hero on the other side. It is a vicious circle that deserve both side interest so well...and as far as i know the Arab lobby in Washington is not very strong against the lobby who pushed Israel in the American agenda.
Just visit the Ball Harbour shopping center district in Surfside FL There is not many Arab on the streets but some other ethnic community are more visible than other. It is only the every day reality the rest is in direct relation.
On a side note the day where the military budget credit will not sky rocketing could be AMSAT-NA can get a very small chunk of it. This can make Echo in the space a bit more quickly!
"-" "It is not the class of license the amateur holds, but the class of the amateur that holds the license."

On 4/1/07, Luc Leblanc [email protected] wrote:
Just visit the Ball Harbour shopping center district in Surfside FL There is not many Arab on the streets but some other ethnic community are more visible than other.
participants (2)
Luc Leblanc
Margaret Leber