Recently I read on the AMSAT website about Dayton and the AMSAT/TAPR Banquet etc etc...
As I never been to the Dayton Hamvention I like to have an idea if there will be many AMSATs to meet, or that it is more a general ham event with lot of stuff to buy/sell ?
As I can not easy buy/sell (heavy lugage/custom problems) I am more interrested in meeting AMSAT hams across the big ocean.
Because Canada is also on my list of countries to visit I have a plan to fly first to Toronto a few days before Dayton, and have a look at Niagara fals etc. However, Dayton is not a short ride, and I like to know if some VE/US hams can tell me if its an easy way to get to Dayton from VE ?? (any Bus ? how long travel ?)
I have experience with travelling and will not easy get lost... however, your information will help me speed up to find my way :o)
PS: Maybe there are VE (AMSATs) going to Dayton ?
73 de PE1RAH William Leijenaar AMSAT-NA (36370) ---
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William Leijenaar