AO-27 is on a timer and is usually only active on ascending passes about the time it crosses 30 degrees North latitude. There is a program that will predict when it is in analog repeater mode and it can be downloaded at When you first run the program you need to update the files(TOPR and EPOCH) instructions are on the page, simple as pressing CTRL+U
I just downloaded and ran the AO-27 scheduler program and updated the epoch.txt and topr.txt files as instructed. I compared the text files with the ones currently on the AO-27 website and verified that they are correct. For some reason, the times generated by the program differ from the times on the AO-27 web site by 11 min 36 sec. What am I doing wrong?
Chuck, KM9U
----- Original Message ----- From: "Jeremy Bomkamp" [email protected] To: [email protected] Sent: Wednesday, April 06, 2011 17:51 Subject: [amsat-bb] Re: AO-27 Eclipse
AO-27 is on a timer and is usually only active on ascending passes about the time it crosses 30 degrees North latitude. There is a program that will predict when it is in analog repeater mode and it can be downloaded at When you first run the program you need to update the files(TOPR and EPOCH) instructions are on the page, simple as pressing CTRL+U
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Hi Chuck!
I just downloaded and ran the AO-27 scheduler program and updated the epoch.txt and topr.txt files as instructed. I compared the text files with the ones currently on the AO-27 website and verified that they are correct. For some reason, the times generated by the program differ from the times on the AO-27 web site by 11 min 36 sec. What am I doing wrong?
What you see in the program is OK. The AO-27 web site is off. It seems to happen like that 2 to 4 weeks after the AO-27 schedule is updated. Go with what you see in the program.
You can also look at your tracking program and compare it to the output from the AO-27 program and web site. You'll probably see that the web site shows the satellite turning on near the end of the pass, or after LOS for you.
participants (3)
Jeremy Bomkamp