ND9M/mm Grid Ops - 5/4-5/5

AO-91 was in pretty good shape on the midday pass; it cut out a couple times, but stayed on for most of the pass while I was in AK39; nobody was around but the fishes though. I had AO-7 all to myself in AK29 but was able to put the grid into a few US & JA logs on the two RS-44 passes.
AO-91 won't fit into my work schedule tomorrow, but I should be on from RK98 on AO-7/CW at 05/0520Z for a pass that covers a good chunk of VK. Then RS-44/CW comes up shortly after that and gets a bit of the US/VE Left Coast around 05/0549Z. The pass after that at 05/0728Z should find me in the next grid RK88 which will do well for VK & JA. We're also getting closer to the ON times for FO-29 and IO-86, and the XW satellites will start putting me in touch with JA/DU/HL pretty soon.
I uploaded all the logs to LOTW today for the passes through AK59, which netted more than 500 confirmations for 43 grids so far! Send me an e-mail ([email protected]) if you have a query.
We've got another time change tonight; we'll be at GMT-12 through tomorrow, 5/4. We'll cross the Int'l Date Line around 04/2300Z. When local midnight hits, we'll jump from Tuesday straight to Thursday; there will be no Wednesday for us. We won't change the hands on the clock, but we'll still go from GMT-12 to GMT+12 in the blink of an eye. 73/Jim, ND9M
participants (1)
Clary, James T (Jim)