Dan FYIfound I needed to unplug and reconnect the USB cable to the rs232 quad converter after using wsjt-x to get it talking with satpc32 /ts2000 again.also found that one of the ports would never work correctly and after picking the next porteverything started working and many sat qso's
1. Re: Kenwood TS2000 control versus Icom IC9100 (Rolf Krogstad) 2. New Horizons reaches Ultima Thule tonight (Daniel Schultz)> I have been fighting with this TS 2000 keeping my connection with the pc
going. I am about ready to deep six this thing. I have gone to a true IO card for the serial connection, Not a USB converter, changed the speeds to match in the settings in both radio and pc. tried different ports and things like that and at times it will track fair and then other times it does not do anything.program NOVA will do a special show about the Ultima Thule encounter on
Wednesday evening on your local Public Broadcasting station (in the USA at least).
Dan Schultz N8FGV
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Mr B r a d