Ham Talk Live
Frank Bauer, KA3HDO, the international chairman of the Amateur Radio on the International Space Station program, is back to take your calls about ARISS! We'll talk about the latest on the equipment, SSTV, and plans for the future. Plus, you can learn all about Space Bees!
Tune into Ham Talk Live! Thursday night (1/31) at 9 pm EST (Friday 0200Z) by going to hamtalklive.com. When the audio player indicates LIVE, just hit the play button!
If you miss the show live, you can listen on demand anytime also at hamtalklive.com; or a podcast version is on nearly all podcast sites a few minutes after the live show is over. Some sites include Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, Google Play, SoundCloud, and iHeart Podcasts; and it's also available on YouTube. A replay is also broadcast on WTWW 5085 AM on Saturday nights (Approximately 6:30 pm Eastern).
Be sure to CALL in with your questions and comments by calling 812-NET-HAM-1 live during the call-in segment of the show. You can also tweet your questions before or during the show to @HamTalkLive.
-- 73 de JoAnne K9JKM [email protected]
participants (1)
JoAnne K9JKM