Here we are, the first half of 2019, I have been posting all the Rover Awards on my Twitter account and tagging @AMSAT. I will include all the Rover Awards here for those that do not have Twitter.
What will you be doing for AMSAT's 50th Anniversary for the rest of 2019? Operating awards are in full swing and hope you are enjoying them, AMSAT Members and Non-AMSAT Members can participate.
AMSAT Satellite Communicators Award for making their first satellite QSO Gerald Clouatre, AG5AY Wil Marchant, KW4WZ Bob Keating, N6REK Russ McRee, N3SC John Colville, KC7JPC James Lawson, KC2JED Wayne Morris, AC5V Robert Fielder, Jr, KE4H Tony Milluzzi, KD8RTT Tamir Rosenberg, N6JJ David Hoffmann, KL1XI Pedro Dutra Sousa, CU2ZG
From Youngsters on the Air in South Africa Jan, ZS4RAL James Lea, ZS6/WX4TV Faith Lea, ZS6/AE4FH Mateo Frigo, ZS6/IU2GGL Franciesco De Giudici, ZS6/IU3GNB Domantas Petrauskas, ZS6/LY1JA Linas Dragunas, ZS6/LY5AT Matthias Pistrol, ZS6/OE1MPR Benjamin Veitschegger, ZS6/OE3BVB Wilhelm Elofson, ZS6/SA6BET Kyle Hooper, ZS6KH Youngsters on the Air, ZS9YOTA Robert van der Meulen, ZU6BOB
AMSAT Communications Achievement Award ** Note - Number 590-599 and 601-610 were the special 50th Anniversary Certificates
Dmitry Krglov, UA4RAB, #588 Bob Keating, N6REK, #589 Ronald Parsons, W5RKN, #590 Chris Tabor, K7TAB, #591 Brian Karcher, KG5GJT, #592 Christy Hunber, KB6LTY, #593 John E. Stone, KC9VGG, #594 Frank Westphal, K6FW, #595 Dwight Fletcher, N1RCN, #596 David Loftus, K5IX, #597 Patrick Stoddard, WD9EWK, #598 Casey Tucker, KI7UNJ, #599 Gary Pritchard, W5RTX, #600 Adrian Liggins, VA3NNA, #601 Andrew Northam, KE8FZT, #602 Ruth Willet, KM4LAO, #603 Mike Styne, K2MTS, #604 Robert Hudson, VE3CWU, #605 Stephen Nordahl, NS3L, #606 James Oulman, K4WPX, #607 Paul Locke, KB4PML, #608 Nicholas Mahr, KE8AKW, #609 Robert Sours, K9UO, #610 Brandon Nuss, WH6ETF, #611 Anthony Milluzzi, KD8RTT, #612 James Lawson, KC2JED, #613 Micha Klein, 4Z1KM, #614 Dennis Madarang, KD2QET, #615 David Hoffmann, KL1XI, #616 Robert Switzer, KA2CZU, #617 Cal Spreizter, N3CAL, #618 Pedro Dutra Sousa, CU2ZG, #619
AMSAT South Africa Satellite Communications Achievement Award Michael Lozano, KI7WIB, #US211 Bob Keating, N6REK, #US212 Gary Pritchard, W5RTX, #US213 Brandon Nuss, WH6ETF, #US214 Anthony Milluzzi, KD8RTT, #US215 James Lawson, KC2JED, #US216 Dennis MadarangKD2QET, #US217 David Hoffmann, KL1XI, #US218 Robert Switzer, KA2CZU, #US219 Cal Spreitzer, N3CAL, #US220 Pedro Dutra Sousa, CU2ZG, #US221
AMSAT Sexagesimal Communications Achievement Award Pedro Dutra Sousa, CU2ZG, #183
AMSAT Robert W. Barbee Jr., W4AMI Award Charles Reiche, N3CRT, #97 Frank Westphal, K6FW, upgraded to 4,000 Adrian Liggins, VA3NNA, upgraded to 4,000
AMSAT Robert W. Barbee Jr., W4AMI 5,000 Award Adrian Liggins, VA3NNA, #35
------ AMSAT Rover Award (New for 2019)
Rover Call ===== ======== 041 KI7UNJ 042 CJ7EWK/3 043 N7EGY
To see all the awards visit http://www.amsat.org and click on Services the Awards
Bruce Paige, KK5DO AMSAT Director Contests and Awards
ARRL Awards Field Checker (WAS, 5BWAS, VUCC), VE Houston AMSAT Net - Wed 0200z on Echolink - Conference *AMSAT* Also streaming MP3 at http://www.amsatnet.com Podcast at http://www.amsatnet.com/podcast.xml or iTunes

Bruce, thanks for the update on awards program.
is there any update on the 'Friends of 50' award for those of us
who have qualified/applied for it earlier this year?
thanks for all your work on this program.
Christy KB6LTY
participants (2)
christy hunter