To all Presenters for this coming Saturday ...
I am attempting to draft the final agenda and I need at least five bits of info from each presenter:
1. A working title for your talk.
2. Your full name (and callsign if available) and of each additional person appearing or presenting under your given title.
3. A time duration request. For most slots I am accepting slots -- including Q&A -- of either 10-minutes, 20-minutes or 30-minutes. If more time is needed then I ask two questions: Exactly how much more and, more importantly, Can you segregate your time in separate 10, 20 or 30-minute modules to give at different times? (I insist to keep the agenda moving quickly! Please note that I've been to plenty of professional symposiums where only ten minutes flat is given per presenter before the red light and HALT comes on!)
4. Will you have an accompanying demo for show 'n' tell? That is, do you need a half-table for Your hardware? Or how much more table space?
5. Will you make your slides available to me if I convert them to a PDF file (read only file) before posting or archiving to our amsat-dc web site? I will have a USB thumb drive with me.
Sorry. Late responders go last if at all.
ALERT Someone was working with a high school, TJHS, in northern Virginia. I have not heard from the teacher, Mr. Adam Kemp, in a long time. Does any one know if they are still interested in presenting? Was it you Bill W3HXFS, or Art W3ART, or David W2LNX? Can one of you get the above info from them to me by Friday? Else, no joy. Thank you!
REQUEST I am looking for someone there on Saturday to offer their fast laptop PC, running either Windows XPP or Windows Vista, to let it serve as our PowerPoint PC and be plugged into my Toshiba LCD projector. Any takers for the first half of the day? Any for the second half? Thanks!
Looking forward to a fine day on March 15.
Pat Kilroy N8PK
------------------------------------------- Mr. Patrick L. Kilroy Flight Systems Integration and Test (I&T) Building 5, Mail Code 568 NASA Goddard Space Flight Center Greenbelt, Maryland 20771 Phone: 301-286-1984 E-mail: [email protected] ------------------------------------------- LRO Project http://lro.gsfc.nasa.gov
"Regarding Reviews, the nice thing about the truth is that it makes having to remember what you said so much easier."