Sorry I can't make it up there, but I'll call if I hear the demo station on any passes.
Paul, N8HM
On Thu, Apr 3, 2014 at 4:26 PM, Kilroy, Patrick L. (GSFC-5680) [email protected] wrote:
AMSAT has a great showing planned for this Saturday in Timonium. C'mon out!
We will have a luxury two-space booth set up indoors near the ARRL booth with lots of AMSAT store items, membership renewals, displays and several public DEMONSTRATIONS to offer.
We are lucky to have Norm McSweyn, N3YKF, coming into town via AMTRAK AUTO TRAIN to run live demos of FUNcube-1 (AO-73), FO-29, AO-7 and the new Morehead OSCAR-76, a.k.a. MO-76 or "$50sat" for all present.
If we can get the extra gear then we can also demo ISS-DATA (FM packet radio or HamTV). SO-50 or VO-52 may be available too during show time.
SPONSORED BY BARC The 2014 Greater Baltimore Hamboree is April 5 and it includes the Maryland Emergency Preparedness Expo! See below and http://www.gbhc.org/
Please drop by the AMSAT booth to chat!
Pat Kilroy, N8PK AMSAT Area Coordinator MDC area http://www.amsat.org
From: ARRL Members Only Web site [[email protected]] Sent: Thursday, April 03, 2014 1:34 PM To: Kilroy, Patrick L. (GSFC-5680) Subject: BARC Hamfest; Convention Survey Reminder
This Saturday, April 5, is the 2014 Greater Baltimore Hamboree, which is host to the Maryland Emergency Preparedness Expo at the Maryland State Fairground in Timonium, Maryland.
Doors open at 8:30 am. Don't worry about weather because all vendors are inside the Cow Palace, a quarter mile long exhibition space. There's plenty of free parking in the midway parking lot.
Laurel Amateur Radio Club VEs will be giving free license testing beginning at 9:00 am.
For more information please visit the BARC Hamboree website at http://www.gbhc.org/.
This is just a reminder to please take the short survey to determine how we should be thinking about holding a convention in the MDC Section. Copied below is the original request with the link:
Each ARRL Section is allowed to hold a yearly section or state convention. The conventions typically have a speaker from ARRL Headquarters, an ARRL Forum hosted by a Division representative and some seminar topics. In the past we have had conventions in conjunction with a hamfest and also stand alone conventions.
In an effort to determine what type of convention ARRL members of the MDC Section would most likely attend, I've designed a short survey. Thanks to Atlantic Division Director Bill Edgar, N3LLR, for letting me use his survey software for this.
Please click this link http://www.bestvote.org/phpQ/fillsurvey.php?sid=35 to take the short survey. After you hit Submit it will ask for your email to validate the survey. Your email information will not be used in any way other than as a validation for the survey. The survey will remain open until midnight Monday, April 7.
Thanks in advance for helping the section staff understand the best way to provide a convention.
73, Jim Cross WI3N SM MDC
ARRL Maryland-DC Section Section Manager: James E Cross III, WI3N [email protected]
Via the AMSAT-DC mailing list courtesy of AMSAT-NA [email protected] http://amsat.org/mailman/listinfo/amsat-dc