I AM LOOKING FOR AN AMSAT MEMBER to help set up and operate a ground station at the AMSAT Lab in Pocomoke City, Md. The task is to receive simple telemetry and to participate in the radio net covering one or both high-altitude balloon missions carrying Amateur Radio on Tuesday, July 24 and on Wednesday, July 25.
For lots of background information about the SimSat-3A and SimSat-3B flights please go to
The SimSat Announcement Page at: http://www.patkilroy.com/simsat
See also the complete Task List for operators to participate either from home or at our launch site on the eastern shore.
What do you think?
A ground station at the AMSAT Lab supporting a SimSat flight would provide good, positive visibility to AMSAT.
Please give me a call and I'd be glad to explain what can be done at the lab, however simple. The event will be quite educational.
Could be quite a lot of fun too!
73 de Pat N8PK for SimSat
================================================================= Patrick L. Kilroy WK Integration & Test (I&T) 301-286-1984 Voice NASA Goddard Space Flight Center 301-286-1673 Fax Building 5, Mail Code 568 [email protected] Greenbelt, Maryland 20771 http://lro.gsfc.nasa.gov/ =================================================================
"Imagination is more important than knowledge." - Albert Einstein