All prospective lab volunteers, We are in the midst of getting quotes for liability coverage for our activities at the new Pocomoke facility. What we thought was a simple task, in fact is not. Until our Pocomoke liability policy is in hand, we've suspended volunteer activites at the lab. We may still be greater than one week from having said policy in hand.
As soon as this task is complete, volunteers will be welcomed again at the lab. Sorry for the late notice the last couple weeks. I honestly thought it would be resolved within a few days.
Schedule: Sat Mar 8 Closed. Sat Mar 15 Closed. Join me at the AMSAT-DC meeting. http://patkilroy.com/amsat-dc/
I indeed hope the lab doors will be open to pickup the schedule after that! I will send another schedule later.
73 bob Robert Davis KF4KSS
On 2/29/08, Robert Davis [email protected] wrote:
All prospective lab volunteers, The AMSAT lab in Pocomoke is closed tomorrow, Sat Mar 1. I do not yet if the lab will be open Sat Mar 8 or the following Sat Mar 15. However, on Sat Mar 15 there is an AMSAT-DC annual meeting at which I will present The Pocomoke AMSAT Lab status. The lab may remain open while I'm at AMSAT-DC. http://patkilroy.com/amsat-dc/ Sorry for the late notice concerning tomorrow's closure. 73 bob Robert Davis KF4KSS
On 2/22/08, Robert Davis [email protected] wrote:
All prospective lab volunteers, The AMSAT lab in Pocomoke is closed tomorrow, Sat Feb 23. Sorry for the late notice! Future schedule will be announced next week. 73 bob Robert Davis KF4KSS
On 2/15/08, Robert Davis [email protected] wrote:
All volunteers, It appears we're within about 3 work days of completing the cleanroom at the AMSAT lab in Pocomoke, MD! This is good news for those of us that have spent a year cleaning, scraping, painting, etc. I have just returned from the Orlando Hamcation, where AMSAT had a booth, presentation, Board of Directors meeting and engineering meetings. The entire weekend was very productive. In my absence, J.C., Ray, Steve & Martin worked on the cleanroom. It is really starting to look complete now.
Here is the Lab schedule for the next couple of weeks: Sat Feb 16 - Open 9-5. Mon Feb 18 - Open 9-5 (this is President's Day) Sat Feb 23 - Open 9-5.
I'm hoping that these dates will conclude the cleanroom effort (which is dependent on us volunteers!). Then, we will begin the Eagle Engineering Unit. This is a flight-like structure we use to verify some things before we are messing with the expensive (and schedule driven) flight unit. It will be taken (incomplete) to the Dayton Hamfest in May. We also have a couple antennas we want to raise...
Anyway, all volunteers are welcome! RSVP would be nice, but not required.
For directions, map to this intersection: Broad St & Pocomoke Belt Pocomoke City, MD 21851
If you have any questions, email me at [email protected] or call my cell 443-783-7794.
73 bob Robert Davis KF4KSS