I was asked to pass this to the Amsat-dc list by a non-subscriber. I'm not sure if it has anything to do with satellites but here it is anyway....
Dan Schultz N8FGV
ICOM D-Star Presentation - "For the 2nd Century of Amateur Radio"
Local Amateur Radio Club members and guests are invited to a presentation on ICOM's D-Star technology. Steve Gilmore, W4SHG, will give a presentation on D-Star at the Montgomery Amateur Radio Club (MARC) September 20 meeting.
Steve will discuss the inception, open architecture, and development of ICOM's D-Star. He will also introduce equipment that currently supports D-Star, and D-Star's unique characteristics concerning bandwidth usage and band plan spacing.
Steve will also explain the D-Star gateway and how it uses digital technology to make a call to another DStar user, also using the D-Star system to find the user even if they are in another country. To accomplish this D-Star uses VOIP with callsign routing contained in D-Star tables to direct the VOIP packet to the proper repeater location. How? Let's find out at the meeting!
The Presentation will be held at:
7:30 p.m. September 20, 2006 Stella B. Warner Office Building - Cafeteria 100 Maryland Ave Rockville, Md 20850
Free parking is available on the ground level in the parking garage. Anyone interested in learning more about this technology are encouraged to mark your calendars and attend.
More information available at:
www.marcclub.org or contact Mona NY7P at [email protected] See you there!