WHAT A FINE MEETING and space seminar we had today!
Perhaps those of you who were in attendance can respond with comments about one or two of your favorite talks or demos. Please also help me in thanking the presenters ...
I thank you all for your participation, especially to our speakers:
1. Scott Stevens, N3ASA, via a remote link from some place near York, PA. With Mike Mantrose, KA2JAI, assisting with the slides and EchoLink connection. (11:41 - 12:05)
2. Rick Hambly, W2GPS. (12:08 - 1:21)
3. Dan Schultz, N8FGV. (1:23 - 1:26)
4. Bob Davis, KF4KSS. (1:29 - 2:12)
5. HaoQi "Esther" Li, KI4LJD, a senior at Thomas Jefferson High School in Fairfax, VA with fellow TJHS student Nastia. See Esther's keen bio at http://www.qrz.com/KI4LJD (2:17 - 2:35)
6. Charlie Heisler, K3VDB. (3:04 - 3:25)
7. Bob Bruninga, WB4APR. (3:28 - 4:20)
8. Heru Walmsley, W3WVV. (4:57 - 5:20)
9. Tom Clark, K3IO. (5:21 - 6:00)
Also, thank you to Gary Chatters, WA9ZZZ, for AMSAT-DC Talk-in on 146.76 MHz FM, thank you to Charlie K3VDB and Tom K3IO for being our photographers. Thank you to Sean Barnes, N3JQ, Physics teacher at Trinity High School for making HD video recordings of us!
Thank you to Bob Carpenter, W3OTC, for his awesome efforts in helping Martha in the office for several years, and who made it clear that more help is needed. Please inquire within!
Thank you for those of you who helped set up and clean up. Thanks for those who offered excellent technical insight and advice from the floor, especially to the students.
A great time was indeed had by all.
Respectfully submitted,
Pat Kilroy, N8PK AMSAT Area Coordinator and AMSAT-DC host
pat@patkilroy.com or n8pk@amsat.org ... Either one but not both, since each address goes to the same home.