Pat mentioned:
I am looking to improve my portable ground station and, at the same time, see if I can help others with theirs too. A goal is to help elevate hand-held Arrow users up to the next levels of performance, to picnic table portable.
And perhaps with Az-El mounting capability, either motorized manual or automated.
Mark Spencer, WA8SME is also working on a beefed up WRAPS rotor system he made from robotic hobby parts. This is one he had in QST. He will have a general write up of the WRAPS updates in the May/June AMSAT Journal. He calls it the "Tricked Out WRAPS".
Mark is also working on further improvement to the WRAPS rotor system by adding a polarity switching preamp. Mark plans to display this modified preamp with the antennas, phasing lines, and the beefed up WRAPS at Dayton. He will make the full details of the polarity switching, phasing, and antennas available via the ARRL ETP (under the Education materials) web.
He will provide another article in the July/August AMSAT Journal detailing the phasing harness construction and will point the reader to the ARRL web for his full article.
Mark mentioned on a posting on amsat-bb that he posted his current draft for the ARRL at: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/ani59wdwuixskpt/my6PIfmrav?n=88697562
Mark's archive of WRAPS files is at: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/of3o6nqnpvsyyb0/H_k9uepsT2?n=88697562
So keep an eye out for both the AMSAT Journal and the ARRL ETP web pages.
-- 73 de JoAnne K9JKM [email protected] Editor, AMSAT Journal