Change to schedule for AMSAT Pocomoke Lab: Sat Apr 12 we'll be CLOSED all day. Everyone is going to the Sussex County Hamfest www.k3str.com
73 bob Robert Davis KF4KSS
On 4/3/08, Robert Davis [email protected] wrote:
To all prospective volunteers of the AMSAT Lab in Pocomoke, The AMSAT Lab will be open: Sat Apr 5 9a-5p Sat Apr 12 10a-4p (thanks to Steve who will keep the lab open most of the day while I'm at the Sussex County Hamfest www.k3str.com)
Just came back from the monthly meeting of the Lewes Amateur Radio Club in Delaware. I gave a presentation covering "what is AMSAT" and "what are we doing". I think they got a kick out of it, and I always do.
Anyway, I will update the online photos this weekend.
We have a call for volunteers for a couple of subjects:
- machinist for Saturday help or work at home. This is for holes & such
in boxes used on SuitSat-2 which will be taken to the International Space Station for release by an astronaut. 2) volunteers for an education outreach balloon launch with amateur radio gear. This would be over the summer and we're looking for help in organizing it ahead of time, and of course for volunteers for the actual event.
As always, more later! If you're interested in coming by and don't know where we are, or just you have a question, email me at [email protected] or call my cell 443-783-7794.
73 bob Robert Davis KF4KSS