The Board of Appeals Hearing regarding the W2GPS ham radio tower is on Wednesday, Feb 9th at 6:30 PM at 44 Calvert St (The Arundel Center, County Council Chambers) in Annapolis.
Please plan to attend and support the right of ham operators to install reasonable towers and antennas on their property in Anne Arundel County Maryland. If you have never been to a government hearing this is the one you should attend. Each and every one who comes will be showing the Board that this matter is important to our community. We need you!
I suggest people come early, at 5:30 pm if possible. It is important that you sign in so your presence will be a matter of record. We will be competing for seats so bring some good reading material like CQ or QST. To make it clear that you are representing ham radio, wear a club badge.
Rick, W2GPS has installed a new 70 foot Rohn 45G tower (85' with mast) on his residential property in Severna Park MD. Although he obtained a valid building permit, and no covenants exist, some of his neighbors are fighting vigorously against his tower. A formal appeal has been filed against Rick's building permit claiming that it is a commercial tower. In addition to the neighbors who filed the appeal, the Greater Severna Park Counsel will be there to oppose the tower permit.
Rick needs as many Hams as possible to attend the hearing to balance the crowd that the neighbors are gathering. This is an important test for Ham Radio in Anne Arundel County and the State of Maryland. Again, please plan to arrive an hour early if possible to help fill the available seats with friendly Hams! Let's show Anne Arundel County that there are a lot of us out there and that we want to be recognized as valued members of our community.
Maps and other information are available at: http://www.aacounty.org/BdofAppeals.
Parking garages are shown at: http://www.annapolis.gov/Government/Departments/Transportation/Parking/Garag.... I suggest parking at the Gotts garage as it is right next to the Arundel Center. It has low clearance so watch out for tricks and SUVs with antennas. Car pooling is recommended.
This antenna project is nearly complete with the tower erected and the rotor and antennas on top of the tower. See www.cnssys.com/~w2gps for pictures of the project. New pictures are added as activity takes place. The first HF contact with the new HF antenna was made by K3PU on February 4th to VP8ORK (South Orkney Islands). Feel free to call or e-mail Rick if you have any questions at [email protected] or 410-987-7835.