The SimSat-4 high-altitude balloon experiment launch was scrubbed this past Saturday morning due to weather. It was rescheduled to this coming Saturday morning, October 3.
You are invited to check it out!
For more insight on the mission or the scrub, go to http://simsat.net under SimSat-4.
You can participate from either your home QTH, the WA3NAN club station in Greenbelt, Md., one of the remote ground stations (either Laurel, Md. or Bethesda, Md.) or at the launch site. Your choice. There is a list of volunteer positions on the SimSat-4 web page. Contact me for more information.
There's room for all!
Be sure to at least listen to the WA3NAN repeater on 146.835 MHz between 8:00 and 11:00 A.M. on Saturday to hear the fun.
Pat Kilroy, N8PK SimSat flight director and AMSAT Area Coordinator
Mr. Patrick L. Kilroy Integration & Test Manager NASA Goddard Space Flight Center Building 5, Mail Code 568 Greenbelt, Maryland 20771 Phone: +1-301-286-1984 E-mail: [email protected] Web: http://patkilroy.com/simsat/4/ (outreach)