Hi Pat (Hi Samudra!)
We would love to have you visit! We are hoping to get both more into AMSAT interaction (especially after we enjoyed your meeting last year held at the GSFC Visitor's Center). We're also working to get more students interested in Ham radio in general.
We have a half dozen students either licensed (Technicans class) or working towards their license. This Fall we hope to hold a foxhunt to stir up more interest, and we have several profs and alumns willing to mentor if we can start the spark among the students.
We don't yet work the hamsats, but as I said, we're getting there. Our 'VelcroSat' club is working on a CubeSat; right now mostly on payload, but we have CubeSat bus work going on as well.
For high altitude balloons, Prof. Angela Walters is the lead on that (and also our department chair!) Bear in mind we're a teaching college, not a research institute, so everything is in the context of 'what benefits the students most'. In addition to our own low altitude balloon work, we're part of the MD Space Grant Consortium's Balloon Payload Program as well and just starting on teaming for high altitude work.
As far as visit times, let me know a few potential days/times and we can set it up. Fridays are best for us (no classes), but if that's difficult we can toss some other schedules around.
Cheers, Sandy
Alex "Sandy" Antunes, Ph.D., KB3VNB AE Faculty, [email protected], 301-369-3615
Quoting Samudra Haque [email protected]:
Pat, our friend Dr. Sandy Antunes is one of the key evangelists there. http://shop.oreilly.com/product/0636920021605.do, copied on this e-mail.
//samudra N3RDX
On Fri, Sep 13, 2013 at 10:14 AM, Kilroy, Patrick L. (GSFC-5680) < [email protected]> wrote:
Do you know any faculty or staff at CAPITOL COLLEGE on Springfield Road in Laurel, Maryland?
Please send me a contact name if you can.
I'd like to get a tour of their satellite ground station ops area, ask if they also work the hamsats from there, see what their progress might be on a CubeSat (rumor?) and meet whoever is the sponsor for their high- altitude balloon experiment activities.
Maybe they would welcome a little AMSAT influence??
Join me, too, for a visit if you wish.
Via the AMSAT-DC mailing list courtesy of AMSAT-NA [email protected] http://amsat.org/mailman/listinfo/amsat-dc