IN PLACE OF THE AMSAT-DC Workshop this spring we
have two big splashes in store for the ham public AND
YOU ARE INVITED to join us at either one of them!
The first one, next month, will be in Vienna, Va:
The Vienna Wireless Winterfest
on SUNDAY, February 23, 2014
See http://www.viennawireless.org/winterfest.php
Steve Greene, KS1G, of Herndon, Va. will be leading
an effort to staff an impressive AMSAT booth as well
as provide a forum and a *possible* satellite demo.
But he needs help from us local AMSAT guys.
PLEASE contact Steve at [email protected]mailto:[email protected] to offer
your time and support.
No experience required!
The second event will be later, in Timonium, Md:
The Greater Baltimore Hamboree and Computerfest 2014
including the Maryland Emergency Preparedness Expo 2014
on SATURDAY, April 5, 2014
I will be attempting something similar if we have the
support. Please contact me at [email protected]mailto:[email protected] or
place a shout out on our amsat-dc email list. We will
have the additional option to fly a small experiment
on a high-altitude balloon if we so choose. The sky is
the limit. Otherwise, I will just staff a three-table booth
of AMSAT goodies like last year. More the merrier!
Thank you,
Pat Kilroy, N8PK
Sykesville, Md.