Interested in amateur satellite stuff?
YOU ARE HEREBY INVITED to the next AMSAT-DC Meeting and Space Seminar. The day long event will be held on Saturday, March 24, in the same hall as last year, near BWI airport.
Get the meeting announcement at: and share it with others. Today. Tomorrow too.
We might have one or more presentations from local folks on them building a CubeSat, of all things! See also before coming.
Please mention this event at your next club meeting, on the net, and gosh, tell a high school or college student -- and a neighbor too. Y'all invited.
Don't miss it.
Guaranteed to be time well spent. See you then!
Thank you,
Pat Kilroy, N8PK AMSAT-DC Co-host
================================================================= Patrick L. Kilroy WK Integration & Test (I&T) 301-286-1984 Voice NASA Goddard Space Flight Center 301-286-1673 Fax Building 5, Mail Code 568 [email protected] Greenbelt, Maryland 20771 =================================================================
"Not everything that can be counted counts, and not everything that counts can be counted." -Albert Einstein