Hi Bob,
Was good to see you at the AMSAT-DC meeting. Thanks for your message. I have not heard any more details yet either, except that I myself may not end up being at the National Air and Space Museum this time in favor of likely helping with the NASM Space Day ARISS contact at the NA1SS station in Greenbelt.
I trust that as soon as more news is available, Frank Bauer KA3HDO and others will post them to the amsat-dc list.
So, let's keep an eye out.
Pat N8PK
-----Original Message----- From: Robert Morales [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Thursday, April 17, 2008 2:25 PM To: Kilroy, Patrick L. (GSFC-568.0) Subject: Space Day (3 May) planning?
Hi Pat, Hadn't seen any traffic regarding whether there was still a need to man the Space Day activities in DC on 3 May. You're probably not the PoC, but I figured I'd start with you :)
How goes the battle over there at GSFC? I'm in the same I&T racket as you, albeit for Navy programs on the other side of the Potomac.
73s de Bob, WP4BQV.