18 Apr
18 Apr
7:49 a.m.
To all prospective Pocomoke Lab volunteers,
Tomorrow, Sat Apr 19 the lab will be closed. I'm out of town on business and Steve is working overtime. Sat Apr 26 Open 9-5 Sat May 3 Open 9-5 Sat May 10 Open 9-5 Sat May 17 Closed - Dayton Hamcation! http://www.hamvention.org/
Last Saturday, the Sussex County Hamfest in Delaware was a great success. I presented about the AMSAT, our activities and the Pocomoke Lab. I also had the opportunity to speak at length with 3 ARRL representatives.
Again, if you're interested in coming and need directions or just want to talk first, send me an email [email protected] or call my cell 443-783-7794.
73 bob Robert Davis KF4KSS