Dear fellow AMSAT members,
Please go to http://patkilroy.com/amsat-dc/ and read everything top to bottom.
Then please let me know if you have any comments, questions, recommended edits or anything else before I send it off to be published in this weekend's ANS bulletins.
This is our workshop. Only a couple weekends away. I hope you can attend.
1. We are looking for someone to bring a UHF signal source for test purposes for the day, something more substantial than an FM handheld transceiver if possible. A simple analog SSB transmitter in very low power mode looping a recorded voice message would work, and be pretty cool too. Takers, any one? Please contact me.
3. We still need volunteers for this event. The task list is quite similar to those of our previous seminars and workshops (see Archives). This event is run by volunteers for volunteers. For example, two AMSAT greeters are needed. Also, a video person with lights, a video editor person, a food organizer, a Net Control Station for talk-in, go-fers, clean up crew for examples. (I believe Art Feller is going to bring his nice big dSLR still camera and gear, so we are covered for publish-ready type still photos.)
4. We need to get the word out. Can you pass the word and the amsat-dc Web page URL to your club news- letter or on a Net? Talk it up on your repeater? Tell a college kid? (YES!)
Who knows how to get an event announced on Newsline? On the MDC section Web page and newsletter? Please do!
5. Have you registered through Martha yet? (Please call her even if you only "might" make it: Unlike local hamfests where you can walk right in, THERE WILL BE NO registration on the day of the event!)
THANK YOU for your support.
We will have a great time!
Pat Kilroy N8PK