I've got one of the original FCDs and it works quite well under Mac OS X 10.8. I'm using DSP Radio v1.3.9 and concur that strong nearby signals from NOAA stations can "de-sense" your amateur band 2M reception depending on your antenna connected to the FCD.
Nice little SDR to take a dive into the next wave of radio technology.
By the way, there's an Italian ham group (search for Kits under www.ct1ffu.com) that sells an upconverter for the FCD to allow for HF reception.
73s de Bob, WP4BQV/VQ9BQV.
On Wed, Jan 23, 2013 at 11:22 AM, Pat Kilroy [email protected] wrote:
I AM EXCITED about the new FUNcube Dongle Pro+ receiver (part number FCD2-15). One is on its way right now to my home mailbox, directly from Howard G6LVB in London. Should arrive in two days, perhaps sooner.
This is the SDR receiver that I hope to show off at our AMSAT-DC Workshop Spring 2013 coming your way on Saturday, March 23. I expect to be running it with either the SpectraVue or the SDRsharp software.
If you would like to "join me" in checking it out and bringing yours with you too then keep track of the FUNcube Dongle Web site. Better yet, don't wait until orders are announced as being re-opened to the public on the main Web page. Go straight to:
and click the button for "Put me on the waiting list" intent to order. Just fill out your e-mail address. At the same time you might want to create an "account" there with your name and address to save time later.
The total cost in today's exchange rate is under $214 (US dollars) including shipping and handling. We do NOT have to pay the VAT (tax), and the ordering site knows that from your address. (I hope I don't need a disclaimer to say that I am not benefiting financially from this "sales" pitch.)
FYI, if you want to compare the new features of this receiver with the old then browse these pages:
New Specs http://www.funcubedongle.com/?page_id=1201
Old specs http://www.funcubedongle.com/?page_id=74
I trust someone will bring one of the "Cheap and Easy SDR" receiver dongles that was recently featured in QST Magazine (January 2013, page 30, 6 pp), to show us as well.
QST Digital Copy: http://www.nxtbook.com/nxtbooks/arrl/qst_201301/index.php
The price range is claimed as being "$20 and up" depending on the features of the specific dongle you choose. A large part of the six pages is dedicated to step-by-step tips to get the SDR# software up and running. This is good for everyone! The other major part of the article covers a construction project which is needed only if you want the expanded frequency coverage of HF. Any takers to dive into this for us??
We'll talk later about antennas and tracking as desired.
I am dying to hear about the antennas that folks are using or planning to use, especially if anyone expects to experiment either on a band above 70cm in frequency or with small circular polarization (CP) yagi types.
Pat N8PK [email protected]
Via the AMSAT-DC mailing list courtesy of AMSAT-NA [email protected] http://amsat.org/mailman/listinfo/amsat-dc