On the 19th, I guess Bob will be here around 9:00 AM. We will help him load his truck and he is off to visit his kids for Easter. Sometime within the next 2 weeks, we will move the office to Kensington. We need to be out of here by April 30th. Martha
On Fri, Apr 11, 2014 at 1:19 AM, Daniel Schultz [email protected] wrote:
I should be available, what time will they be getting started? And where is the new office going to be?
------ Original Message ------ Received: Wed, 09 Apr 2014 05:40:04 PM EDT From: Martha [email protected] To: Daniel Schultz [email protected] Subject: Help!
Dan - Bob McGwier will be here on the 19th of April to load a truck with historical files. Frank, Tom and Perry said they would help. Are you available? -- 73- Martha