A Local High-Altitude Balloon Experiment
YOU MAY ENJOY this link to the Washington Post (below)! For more details you can also check the December 22 link at the club home page at http://www.viennawireless.org/balloon
Pat Kilroy, N8PK http://www.patkilroy.com/simsat
Date: Thu, 17 Jan 2008 19:55:45 -0500 From: Gary Chatters gc-ar-l@garychatters.com To: Pat Kilroy Patrick.L.Kilroy@nasa.gov Subject: [Fwd: Vienna Wireless Balloon experiment]
washingtonpost.com coverage of VWS balloon.
================================================================= Patrick L. Kilroy WK Integration & Test (I&T) 301-286-1984 Voice NASA Goddard Space Flight Center 301-286-1673 Fax Building 5, Mail Code 568 Patrick.L.Kilroy@nasa.gov Greenbelt, Maryland 20771 http://lro.gsfc.nasa.gov/ =================================================================
"The conquest of air and space, the pursuit of scientific discovery in space, is the toughest business in the world." - Mike Griffin, NASA Administrator, November 19, 2007