Hi Bob,
I am finishing up my display materials, where will your table be located so that I can find you on Sunday ?
- Howie AB2S
________________________________ From: [email protected] [email protected] on behalf of Bob Coggeshall [email protected] Sent: Sunday, February 12, 2017 9:16 AM To: Howie DeFelice Cc: Arthur Feller, W4ART; [email protected] Subject: Re: [amsat-dc] Fwd: Participation in Northern Virginia Maker Faire
Howie - Did not hear back from you. Resending
On Mon, Feb 6, 2017 at 8:43 AM, Bob Coggeshall <[email protected]mailto:[email protected]> wrote: Hi Howie -
Thanks for responding. You can help promote AMSAT at Maker Faire in any way you wish; Here are a few suggestions:
Send us AMSAT hand-outs to put out at the ham radio booth Loan us a banner or poster we can hang Staff the ham radio table some of the day (11-5) Display a static hamsat station/antennas Operate a working hamsat station
Right now we have Mark W (cc'd) planning to operate HF, and about 4 or 5 other hams to assist.
Let me know what level you'd like to participate.
Cheers, ..c
On Sat, Feb 4, 2017 at 9:17 PM, Howie DeFelice <[email protected]mailto:[email protected]> wrote:
It looks like I will be in town that weekend. Reston is very close to me, I'm in Herndon. I will be able to promote AMSAT at the event. I have not done this for AMSAT before, what types of material do we have ?
- Howie
________________________________ From: AMSAT-DC <[email protected]mailto:[email protected]> on behalf of Arthur Feller, W4ART <[email protected]mailto:[email protected]> Sent: Wednesday, January 25, 2017 5:04 PM To: [email protected]mailto:[email protected] Subject: [amsat-dc] Fwd: Participation in Northern Virginia Maker Faire
Begin forwarded message:
From: Martha <[email protected]mailto:[email protected] mailto:[email protected]> Subject: Fwd: Participation in Northern Virginia Maker Faire Date: 25-January-2017 at 10:21:20 AM EST To: W4ART Arthur Feller <[email protected]mailto:[email protected] mailto:[email protected]>
---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Bob Coggeshall <[email protected]mailto:[email protected] mailto:[email protected]> Date: Wed, Jan 25, 2017 at 9:21 AM Subject: Participation in Northern Virginia Maker Faire To: [email protected]mailto:[email protected] mailto:[email protected]
How about doing this? Hello Martha -
I am wondering if AMSAT would like to participate in the Northern Virginia Maker Faire ?
I'm sure you've heard of Maker Faires, this one is by far the largest in the region...
http://nova.makerfaire.com/ http://nova.makerfaire.com/
I'm coordinating the Ham Radio exhibits for them and would love to see AMSAT participate; This could be at any level; AMSAT can have its own table, or, at the minimum, I'd love to get some AMSAT flyers to handout.
Please let me know.
Bob Coggeshall KW4WQ
-- 73- Martha
To thrive in life, you need three bones: a wish bone, a back bone, and a funny bone. - Reba McEntire
http://afeller.us http://afeller.us/
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