In the Shadow of the Moon

Calling all space groupies:
The documentary film "In the Shadow of the Moon" will be shown Friday June 15 at 6pm at the AFI Silver theatre in Silver Spring as part of the Silverdocs Film festival. This film premiered at the Sundance Film festival earlier this year and won several awards.
See the web site at Also see the user comments at
Buy your tickets online before they sell out. (If they tell you that it is sold out, wait a day and try again. They seem to find more tickets even after it sells out.)
Dan Schultz N8FGV ******************************
"IN THE SHADOW OF THE MOON tells the story of the men who went to the moon in their own words. Heroes then, they are wise men now.
For a brief shining moment in 1969, the world united around man’s first journey to another celestial body. Just months before President Kennedy’s stated deadline of the end of the decade to land a man on the moon, Neil Armstrong took "one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind." It was the first worldwide media event, and in the words of Buzz Aldrin, "more people were watching us than had ever watched two men in history."
In the ensuing years, we’ve seen glimpses of these images in historical montages on TV screens. The great pleasure of this film is seeing these exquisite images of Earth in all its glory, carefully restored on the big screen.
The images and story resonate deeply at a moment when the state of the Earth itself is moving to the forefront of the global agenda. Astronaut John Young wonders "Why are we worried about the price of a gallon of gasoline? Why do people complain about the Earth? We are living in the Garden of Eden." Perhaps these men who have been beyond the bounds of our planet can help us see the world anew.
participants (1)
Daniel Schultz