---------- Forwarded message --------- From: KC5CG [email protected] Date: Sun, May 19, 2019 at 1:14 PM Subject: Re: Nova Maker Faire 2019 To: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], < [email protected]>, [email protected], < [email protected]>, [email protected], [email protected], < [email protected]>, [email protected], [email protected], < [email protected]>, [email protected], [email protected], < [email protected]>, [email protected], [email protected], < [email protected]>
Just sending this out to the group in case anyone wants to participate.
I have an approved outside booth for the Maker Faire. #1249 Amateur Radio Operators are Makers
If anyone wants to drop by or even join us in the booth for a little while you are welcome to stop by. Just hit me up and let me know when you get there or even before if you need to coordinate anything. I am trying to stay with the Maker theme and showcase DIY, repurposing (AREDN anyone) and home brew projects etc.... Will have some fox hunt stuff set up, and a Go Box with multi band capability.
If you want to make it official sign up here:
For more on the Maker Faire in general:
Hope to see y'all there
BT/AR Gump KC5CG On 3/7/2019 1:00 PM, Bob Coggeshall wrote:
Greetings !
You are receiving this because you are a ham and you *might *be considering participation in the Northern Virginia Maker Faire https://www.eventbrite.com/e/maker-faire-nova-2019-tickets-53836749166 on Sunday June 2, 2019 at George Mason University
My purpose here is to encourage you to participate !
Please make sure you submit an application by the deadline of *March 29, 2019 *
Here: https://nova.makerfaire.com/cfm/
Some Maker Faire Exhibitor Factoids:
Inside or outside exhibits possible -
There is no fee for non-commercial exhibits -
Default exhibit size is a standard folding table -
Power on request -
Internet on request -
Reasonable special requests will be considered
You can use the spreadsheet list to coordinate plans. FAQ I haven’t finalized my plans. Should I submit a partial application?
YES ! This lets the planners know you are *thinking* of exhibiting. I’m by myself, should I team up with someone?
YES ! It is a long day and you’ll want to check out the rest of the maker faire. Find a buddy on the spreadsheet https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1JsFDI3RBJfxXOwMUWZdgJIiqB23VwE84_iX414JLSYA/edit#gid=0
I want to be nearby other ham radio exhibits
Just make that request when you apply. It’s June so I’m planning to be outside. Do we get a tent ?
No tents are supplied as far as I know. So it’s BYO tent. I’m not interested, but I know someone who is
Just remove your email from the spreadsheet https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1JsFDI3RBJfxXOwMUWZdgJIiqB23VwE84_iX414JLSYA/edit#gid=0 and please forward this email to the ham who might be. Thanks for your time. I’ll send out a reminder as we get closer to the Mar 29 deadline.
Bob Coggeshall
participants (1)