Fwd: Amateur Satellite Ground Station Budget Task

In a message dated 11/27/06 12:36:37 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, [email protected] writes:
Re: Please forward this to whoever in AMSAT Please forward this to whoever in AMSAT may have forming a list of equipment/materials for school(s) to participate in future OSCARs.
73, Bill, W3HXF
Examples of areas to be covered in a multi-year equipment list. Each task below is a complete station. Complete to serve a particular satellite. The first task/year's budget are for a few of those satellites that are in orbit.
Other task/year's aimed toward planned OSCARs not in orbit yet.
Budget task A: Please provide a list (better yet a kit, for a cubesat-capable ground station), so I can compile budgetary information.
For a later year: Budget task B: AO-13 or AO-40-capable ground station: 145.880 MHz USB + 145.920 MHz USB Up & 435.300 MHz High to listen FM (S) mode: 2401.200 MHz to listen. Uplink: 1268.700 MHz USB transmit. http://www.amsat.org/amsat-new/echo/ControlTeam.php KK5DO
Please provide a list (better yet a kit for an AO-13 or AO-40-capable ground station), i.e., AMSAT's Project Eagle plans call for an mode U/V transponder for SSB, CW and other modes. I wish to leave the budgetary information for The Excelsior Team <[email protected]_ (mailto:[email protected]) > Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology is located on Braddock Road. The address is: 6560 Braddock Road Alexandria, VA 22312 What satellite(s) have their eastern USA pass between 12:45 pm is a good time because lunch would have ended (which equals 1745 UTC) and 4 hours later.
For a much later year, Eagle could launch by 2010: Budget task C:
Specification would make the satellite's S2 band uplink and C band
participants (1)