"Final" Symposium Agenda Posted

We have posted the "Final" Agenda for the 2009 AMSAT Symposium, including the presentation schedule. I call it "Final" because everything is subject to change.
We are still looking for some volunteers for the following responsibilities:
1) Paper Session Chairs (introduce speaker, time presentation, use the "hook" if paper runs long) for the 5 paper sessions 2) AV table support (1 hour commitment or more during paper presentations) 3) Registration table (1 hour commitment or more) 4) Poster session Chair/security (1 hour commitment or more and only when the poster session is open to the public)
If you are interested in supporting any of these, e-mail me directly ([email protected]) and let me know what interests you and what dates/times you would like to support. We can really use your help on this as it is a critical element of making the 2009 symposium a success.
And for those who have not done it already..please sign up for the symposium. We have a fantastic program planned.
73, Frank Bauer, KA3HDO 2009 AMSAT Symposium Co-Chair
participants (1)
Frank H. Bauer