Hi all,
What a wonderful time we had, right?
The photos, meeting minutes and comments are starting to flow in, thank you! Here are some status points and some requests for follow up, if possible and if not out of line, . . .
1. Please go to the web page, get a copy of the updated agenda, and scan for any more corrections needed. I will make the changes and then we will upload the copy to serve us For The Record. Presenters are graciously asked to check the title I have listed, because some of them are my own "cutesy" titles I had made up before the meeting. Thank you again for your support!
2. Those who brought in hardware for our hi-tech Show 'n' Tell, I believe I have on record what it is and who it belongs to. This information will be reflected in the record. If you wish to list/describe the hardware YOURSELF then please shoot me an e-mail with your text. Thank you!
3. Please let me know if I missed anyone in the "TNX List" at the bottom of the agenda. I want to capture all of our contributors to our successful meeting and space seminar and make each of you/them known. Thank you again!
4. The meeting minutes were ALREADY offered to me by Bruce Semple, WA3SWJ, and so I am doing some "touch ups" on his rather excellent work. They will be released this week for all. Any one who wishes to, in turn, add, clarify points, or "correct" anything will have a 24-48 hour opportunity to do so before they become our official "record". So BE READY and keep an eye out!
5. For photos, I wonder if we could embed the date, callsign and name, either in the image itself -OR- in the filename of each image? Example: XXXXXXXXX-2008-0315-Bob-WP4BQV.jpg, where XXXXXXXXX is your own filename or index number, followed by the mks date format, name and callsign, all separated by a dash. In the case of a hardware picture, maybe this: XXXXXXXXXX-2008-0315-N4ZPT-hardware. And then the name or callsign of the person who took or otherwise offered the photo in the first place should be represented too: W4ART-XXXXXXXXXX-2008-0315-K3IO-hardware.jpg? Or XXXXXXXXXX-W4ART-2008-0315-K3IO-hardware.jpg, where all after the date is a "description" of the photo subject.
6. We will soon identify on the amsat-dc reflector each "Special Interest List" page that was sent around the room for sign up. That way, others may sign up for a particular activity too. My last count was two by Frank Bauer, KA3HDO (one for the Space Day activity at the National Air & Space Smithsonian Museum in Washington, D.C. on Saturday, May 3, and the other for a special AMSAT activity on the National Mall to take place during the annual Folk Life Festival in June/July timeframe, exact dates TBD), one by Dan Schultz, N8FGV and me (regarding volunteer sign ups for staffing the AMSAT table at the Timonium Hamfest on Saturday or Sunday, March 29-30, no experience required) and one by me (asking for volunteers to sign up for a slot on our Steering Committee to plan and prepare next year's AMSAT-DC Meeting and Space Seminar, which will have changes, new features including a a workshop to build something, however simple, e.g., a hand held 70cm Yagi, or a PICetSat flight module, or a You-Propose-It).
7. If anyone has any Lessons Learned or improvements for next year to offer then please write either to me directly, or if you wish, (diplomatically) share with all on the amsat-dc e-mail reflector. Remember, for many items for "improvement" please offer either a volunteer by name to do it or describe a means for another volunteer on how to accomplish such a task.
Whew. I didn't think this message was going to be this long! I hope you stayed with me!
What did I miss?? (HI, HI.)
Pat N8PK
Date: Sat, 15 Mar 2008 20:30:33 -0400 From: "Robert Morales" [email protected] Subject: [amsat-dc] Re: Meeting: Order of Start To: [email protected]
Pat (and all presenters),
Outstanding job once again putting together memorable AMSAT-DC gathering! My daughter Grace and I had great time. Look forward to seeing the pictures taken during the meeting.
Cheers and 73s de Bob, WP4BQV.
-- R. L. Morales, WP4BQV [email protected] http://journals.aol.com/wp4bqv/RadioIntercepts/ Echolink node# 165727 APRS mobile: WP4BQV-7 "Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence." - Carl Sagan
participants (1)
Kilroy, Patrick L. (GSFC-568.0)