AMSAT at Timonium Hamfest

One of the Largest Shows On The East Coast
Martha heard from no one last month, so I am sending her request again for her. Please consider staffing the table for one of the two days, Saturday or Sunday. Thanks! -Pat -----------------------------------------------------
It is that time again. We need volunteers to "man" the AMSAT booth at Timonium. The dates are March 29 and March 30th.
*PEOPLE - WE NEED YOUR HELP!!!* Call me at the AMSAT office, 301-589-6062.
73, Martha
----------------------------------------------------- Greater Baltimore Hamboree and Computerfest March 29-30, 2008 Hours 6am-5pm Saturday, 6am-3pm Sunday The buildings open at 8:00 A.M.
Maryland State Fairgrounds in Timonium, Md.
"The Baltimore Amateur Radio Club, sponsor of The GBH&C, targets Amateur Radio and electronics enthusiasts of all ages and backgrounds. In the heart of the Mid-Atlantic Region and adjacent to the Chesapeake Bay, we also attract civilian, government, and marine attendees from Maine to Florida."
participants (1)
Pat Kilroy