AMSAT-DC Workshop: http://patkilroy.com/amsat-dc/
I HAD A RADICAL IDEA for a fellow AMSAT member who reads this message, to make it his or her own, and run with it. . . .
WHAT IF we have a *great* turn out for our Spring Workshop and are "burdened" with either too many hardware setups overflowing the VC auditorium or too many non-hardware- toting attendees (i.e., lots and lots of non-AMSAT members)? . . .
WHAT IF someone runs a Sat Pass List for our location for all amateur and Wx satellites on our workshop date? . . .
WHAT IF the weather on Saturday morning, March 23, turns out to be an outrageously beautiful day? . . .
THEN, wouldn't it be awesome if one of us were to set up a "fully functioning" (you define) portable satellite ground station outdoors immediately outside the VC audi- torium to actively attempt receptions, and perhaps some two-way contacts as well?!!
THINK of the possibilities!
THINK of the potential benefits!
That extra touch would certainly be "News at 11" material.
Any takers?
Pat Kilroy, N8PK
AMSAT-DC Workshop: http://patkilroy.com/amsat-dc/
P.S. If you haven't noticed yet, the exact location in mind is shown in two of the photos displayed on the AMSAT-DC workshop Web page.
participants (1)
Pat Kilroy