AMSAT-DC Workshop Planning: DATES

WE ARE LOOKING for a good (nearly) all-day Saturday date to hold our next AMSAT-DC Spring Workshop 2014.
Which dates are BAD because of other events already planned? I automatically avoid Easter weekend (Sat Apr 19), Passover time (Sat Apr 19) and the GBHC hamfest in Timonium (Sat Apr 5) ...
Steve KS1G suggested to add the VA QSO Party dates to avoid and I agree: Sat Mar 15 ...
This means that Sat Mar 22, Sat Mar 29 and Sat Apr 12 are looking good for our workshop.
Please check your calendar for the dates of other public events to avoid and PLEASE let me know asap, especially for these three "going" dates noted.
I will look for free and low-cost venues with our date options starting with the one from this past workshop. Namely, the NASA Goddard VC. If you have a personal contact with another free (and roomy and accessible) venue in the MDC area and can lead the effort to capture it then let me know about that too!
Thank you,
Pat Kilroy, N8PK AMSAT Area Coordinator Maryland-DC Area
participants (1)
Pat Kilroy