DON'T FORGET to bring your dual-band handheld transceiver to the AMSAT-DC gathering. And don't forget to remind yourself how to program a split offset before you leave home (check the manual). If you do this you may be glad. See again Tom K3IO's message below.
TX 435.900 MHz FM RX 144.350 MHz FM
C U soon,
Pat N8PK http://patkilroy.com/amsat-dc/
Date: Sat, 23 Feb 2008 01:11:51 -0500 From: "Tom Clark, K3IO" [email protected] Subject: [amsat-dc] Re: March 15 is the Date To: AMSAT-DC [email protected]
Pat Kilroy wrote:
Hi guys,
We have about three weeks until our local AMSAT meeting and space seminar. Here is my status report.
In case you would be interested, I have a new project in the works that enables a low-cost, accurate computer controlled antenna positioner.
This is NOT just another analog computer interface that uses potentiometers inside the rotor --- all control is digital. I'm getting about 1 deg accuracy in both az & el, and it is quite suitable for small (~1m) dishes and/or small yagis. Not sure of the final costs yet, but a 2-axis rotor system with controller should cost <$250, with all the hard parts purchasable with plastic over the internet.
Also, I think we (N4HY, W2GPS & I) will be in the position to demonstrate a functioning breadboard prototype of the Suitsat-2 SDX transponder on the air. People should be prepared to TX on 70 cm (435.9) & RX on 2M (either 144.35 or 435.90 TBD).
73, Tom
----------------------------------------- Mr. Patrick L. Kilroy Flight Systems Integration and Test (I&T) Building 5, Mail Code 568 NASA Goddard Space Flight Center Greenbelt, Maryland 20771 Phone: 301-286-1984 E-mail: [email protected] ------------------------------------------- LRO Project http://lro.gsfc.nasa.gov
"Regarding Project Reviews, the nice thing about the truth is that it makes having to remember what you said so much easier."

Kilroy, Patrick L. (GSFC-568.0) wrote:
DON'T FORGET to bring your dual-band handheld transceiver to the AMSAT-DC gathering. And don't forget to remind yourself how to program a split offset before you leave home (check the manual). If you do this you may be glad. See again Tom K3IO's message below.
TX 435.900 MHz FM RX 144.350 MHz FM
C U soon,
Pat N8PK http://patkilroy.com/amsat-dc/
Bring all-mode radios like an FT-817, The Suitsat-2 SDX has a 50-khz wide LINEAR passband. FM is OK, but it would sure be nice to see some SSB testing too.
73, Tom
participants (2)
Kilroy, Patrick L. (GSFC-568.0)
Tom Clark, K3IO