Hello Rob,
Thanks for your message. I am copying this message to the local AMSAT mail list which serves the greater Maryland-D.C. area to check on such interest.
PLEASE SEE ROB'S MESSAGE BELOW. If you would like more info on the subject or would like to participate (presumably using Amateur Satellites but not necessarily) then please contact Rob N1FSK through his e-mail address [email protected]
If you can offer any helpful advice, or know of any related activities that might be of value to him or the scouts, then please do contact Rob today.
Thank you all!
Pat N8PK
-----Original Message----- From: Rob Hoitt [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Tuesday, February 26, 2008 05:00 PM To: [email protected] Subject: AMSAT and Scouting
I wanted to take a moment and let you know about a great opportunity to promote AMSAT that is coming up later on this year. The 51st Jamboree On The Air, JOTA will be happening on the weekend of October 18th, 2008, and this year, the National Capital Area (Boy Scout) Council will be hosting a JOTA site at Camp William Snyder in Haymarket, VA. While JOTA is an annual event, this year marks the first time in many years that the Washington, DC area has had a JOTA site, and we hope that this will become an annual event here in DC.
What we are looking to do is have stations that the Scouts can visit and learn about different facets of Amateur Radio and hopefully develop a lifelong interest in Amateur Radio. I had the pleasure of helping out last October at the AMSAT booth that was set up at the National Air and Space Museum for the Sputnik anniversary, and that type of display was exactly what would work well for this type of event. Camp Snyer has a beautiful training facility that would be perfect for this purpose.
Could you find out if there are folks in the area who would be interested in volunteering for this event? I think the benefits that this event will offer to both AMSAT and the NCAC will be well worth the time invested.
Many thanks, and very 73!
-- Rob Hoitt, N1FSK International Committee, NCAC [email protected]
participants (1)
Pat Kilroy