Re: Shuttle Audio Retransmission Training

Hey, Bob,
You may wish to re-direct your question to Hugh,
"Hugh O'Donnell, W3FUO" [email protected]
He is the one coordinating the training for those who wish to become a certified remote op from the luxury of one's own home, one's own shack. Of course, however, the training is held at the WA3NAN club site in Greenbelt.
I understand a training session took place this past Saturday. Personally, I am looking for a training session to be scheduled on a weekday evening or two soon.
FYI, for anyone who would like more info on this subject then please see Hugh's message below and contact Hugh directly.
Take care and 73,
Pat N8PK
P.S. The next space shuttle mission kicks off with the upcoming STS-115 launch scheduled for Sunday, August 27. See on the web ... or
At Friday 8/18/2006 03:00 PM, [email protected] wrote:
Today's Topics:
- Shuttle audio retransmission training session still on? (Robert Morales)
Message: 1 Date: Fri, 18 Aug 2006 11:19:20 -0400 From: "Robert Morales" [email protected] Subject: [amsat-dc] Shuttle audio retransmission training session still on? To: [email protected]
There was an email last week about a shuttle audio retransmission training session at the GSFC visitor center slated for tomorrow (Sat 19 Aug). Is this still happening?
Thanks, -Bob.
-- Bob Morales, WP4BQV [email protected] "Eschew Obfuscation" ______________________________________________ AMSAT-DC mailing list courtesy of AMSAT-NA [email protected]
End of AMSAT-DC Digest, Vol 1, Issue 1
At Thursday 8/17/2006 09:59 PM, HB O'DONNELL wrote:
This message traffic is of, by and for members and friends of the NASA Goddard Amateur Radio Club (GARC) and includes public service coord- ination, announcements, activity planning, and the like, FOR THE RECORD.
Dick, The basic requirments are:
- General Class or higher FCC Amateur Radio License (Extra preferred)
- Certificate of Instruction and set of operating instructions from the
workshop/class on Saturday, Aug. 19, 2006. 3. VHF receiver or transceiver, with a good outdoor antenna (to receive the 147.450 MHz.VHF transmissions.) 4. A good H.F. Receiver or Transceiver capable of SSB reception on 80-to- 10 Meters, with a good multi-band H.F. antenna system, (to receive the 3.860, 7185, 14.295, and 21.395 MHz. H.F.transmissions). When H.F. propagation permits, we also transmit on 28.650 MHz. (but not much lately). 5. A touch-tone 'phone (for the control codes and functions).
The Control Operator's location is also the control point for all retransmissions, and he/she must must be able to effectively monitor all transmissions and be able to shut down any WA3NAN transmitter that malfuntions or interferes with priority traffic on or near our scheduled frequency. Alexandria,VA should be well within our local coverage area. So, not a problem, Dick.
A Club Member will set up the Station and place it in "Warm Stand-by" so it can be brought up remotely during active periods of the Shuttle Mission.
We will also need a roster of operators, their times and hours of scheduled operation, as wellas phone numbers for contacts. ( and e-mail addresses).
That's basically it. Any questions? BRING'EM TO THEWORKSHOP ON SATURDAY.!
----- Original Message ----- From: "rgh -- wa4usb" [email protected] To: [email protected] Sent: Monday, August 14, 2006 1:46 PM Subject: Shuttle Retransmission Ops
How far and wide to you want your need spread?
Minimum license class? Other info appropriate?
Tnx, 73, Dick, WA4USB, Alexandria, VA
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From: "HB O'DONNELL" [email protected] To: [email protected] Cc: [email protected] Subject: WA3NAN: Directions to Goddard Visitor's Center Date: Fri, 18 Aug 2006 08:12:22 -0400
To All:
I forgot to give the directions and location for the Goddard Visitor's Center:
From the Beltway, take the B-W Parkway North to the first (Greenbelt Rd. exit). Go East on Greenbelt Rd.(MD Rte.193) to Soil Coservation Rd. (next traffic light past the Goddard Main Gate). Left onto Soil Conservation Rd. to first traffic light. Left at light and left again into the Visitor's Center Gate (do not go through the Entrance Gate to Goddard Space Center, but instead get into the left turn lane and turn left, going up an incline. The V.C. is on your right. Park in the big lot (first right turn). The V. C. building is visible up the hill. Go in the Main Entrance and proceed inside past the Reception Desk and take the hallway to left, past the Rest Rooms to the Gallery on the left.
73, Hugh W3FUO
================================================================= Patrick L. Kilroy WK Integration & Test (I&T) Manager 301-286-1984 Voice NASA Goddard Space Flight Center 301-286-1673 Fax Building 5, Mail Code 568 [email protected] Greenbelt, Maryland 20771 =================================================================
"No one cares how much you know until they know how much you care." - Don Swartz (or Mary Jane or Jeff Wall or ...)
participants (1)
Pat Kilroy