Thanks to all the volunteers from the 3-day weekend! We've made significant progress on cleaning up the cleanroom airhandlers, and on inventory.
Here's the upcoming schedule of volunteer days: Sat Jan 20: prep cleanroom airhandlers & posts. Sun Jan 21: undecided; RSVP if interested.
Sat Jan 27: earliest possible painting of airhandlers & posts. Sun Jan 28: if painting has started, RSVP if interested.
Sat Feb 3: Closed. Sun Feb 4: Closed.
When open, Saturday regular hours are 8am to 5pm. Sunday hours start later. Email or call my cell to RSVP or if you have questions, 443-783-7794.
See below for a Google map to the AMSAT lab in southwest Pocomoke: http://www.google.com/maps?q=Broad+St+%26+Pocomoke+Belt,+Pocomoke+City,+MD+2... https://umesmail1.umes.edu/exchweb/bin/redir.asp?URL=http://www.google.com/maps?q=Broad%2BSt%2B%2526%2BPocomoke%2BBelt,%2BPocomoke%2BCity,%2BMD%2B21851%26ie=UTF8%26z=15%26ll=38.057452,-75.560017%26spn=0.014834,0.036778%26om=1%26iwloc=addr The AMSAT lab is inside a large warehouse on the corner with a blue roof. Front door says "MIST". PLEASE ENTER AT THE REAR OF THE BUILDING! FRONT DOOR WILL BE LOCKED!
Near-Term: 1) Sand and otherwise prep airhandlers of cleanroom for interior & exterior paint 2) Remove filters from cleanroom 3) Clean/sand steel posts of cleanroom 4) Take inventory of damaged components of cleanroom 5) Paint cleanroom airhandlers & posts (different but both interior & exterior). 6) Plan assembly of cleanroom 7) Make lists of hardware/lights/filters/walling needed to assemble cleanroom 8) Repackage items that are destined for long-term storage (like previous project documentation) 9) Discuss Eagle spacecraft with anybody that will listen!
Long-Term: 1) Cleanroom operational (March) 2) Erect tower for ground station (April or sooner) 3) Build Eagle spacecraft mockup (May) 4) Build Eagle engineering unit (August? This may be pushing it...) 5) Gather all parts, components & tools for Eagle spacecraft frame by end of 2007 6) Build Eagle spacecraft start of 2008!
We will be asking for volunteers most Saturdays in the foreseeable future. All help is welcome! Hams, non-hams, college students, younger students, etc!
Some people on this list have already stated that they probably won't be volunteering anytime soon, but would like to remain "on the list" so they know the latest news. However, if you wish to be removed from this list, just write or call me.
bob Robert Davis KF4KSS
participants (1)
Davis, Robert J