Call to Volunteer for AMSAT-DC Meeting 2008

Call to Volunteer for AMSAT-DC Meeting
WE ARE LOOKING for a few good people to help make our meeting and space seminar on March 15 an outstanding success. We can make it happen. AMSAT members in the past have been great hosts and hostesses.
More demos are sought. Do you have a piece of hardware that you built, software you wrote, an article of interest you wrote, any photos you took, or have an activity (done or to propose) that you would share with the group? Please do!
OUR NUMBER ONE REQUEST Help boost attendance! Can you help spread the word for us? Bring a friend, tell a teacher, invite others, talk it up on a net, or distribute fliers? Hand out fliers at a club meeting or a hamfest?
Can you post the "clip 'n' share" notice to an e-mail list?
Could you come an hour early to help set up or stay a few minutes late to clean up?
Can you bring some munchies or soft drinks to donate?
These items, above and below, are being coordinated on the amsat-dc e-mail list. If you don't make your help known in ADVANCE then we must assume that the task will not get done. Thank you for your support!
LIST OF TASKS (persons needed) -- person volunteering
1. Speakers/presenters (6) -- Your name here or below. 2. Demos (6-12) -- Your name here or below. 3. Tour guides (2) -- Your name here. 4. Greeters (3) for registration table, sign-in, name badges, etc. 5. Advertisers (100) -- Every person. 6. Meeting Go-fer (2) -- Your name here. 7. Talk-in (8 AM - 11 AM) -- Gary Chatters, WA9ZZZ 8. Talk-in (11 AM - 1 PM) -- ??? 9. Photographers (2 more) -- Your name here. 10. Video (2) w light, sound & editing as needed -- Your name here. 11. Notes/minutes (2) -- Your name here. 12. Time keeper (1) 13. Food/drink (10) 14. Set up (4) 15. Clean up (4) 16. Refreshment table keeper (1) 17. Lunch planner (1)
Please download the AMSAT-DC-2008 flier from the amsat-dc web page, print copies and share them widely.
NOTES: Free paved parking is available a short walk from the museum meeting location. Like always, $$ donations will be accepted to help offset the associated seminar costs. Like last year, we'd like to in turn give a portion as a donation for the museum itself.
Pat N8PK
================================================================= Patrick L. Kilroy WK Integration & Test (I&T) 301-286-1984 Voice NASA Goddard Space Flight Center 301-286-1673 Fax Building 5, Mail Code 568 [email protected] Greenbelt, Maryland 20771 =================================================================
"The conquest of air and space, the pursuit of scientific discovery in space, is the toughest business in the world." - Mike Griffin, NASA Administrator, November 19, 2007
participants (1)
Pat Kilroy