AMSAT Symposium poster sessions and commercial vendor displays

Along with all the other exciting happenings at the AMSAT 40th Anniversary Symposium (being held October 9 - 11 at the Four Points Sheraton Hotel at the Baltimore Washington Airport), we'll have a room set up for poster displays and commercial vendor tables. Take advantage of this opportunity to show the rest of the amateur radio satellite community what you are doing in our exciting hobby.
The poster session will be open for display to the public as follows:
Friday, Oct. 9: 2:30 - 5 PM
Saturday, Oct. 10: 8 - 11:45 AM
1 - 3:30 PM
Set-up is from 1:30 - 2:30 PM on Friday and tear-down is 5 - 6 PM on Saturday.
I need to know the following by Tuesday, Oct. 6 regarding what you will need for your display:
Square footage of floor space
# of tables (to be provided by hotel)
If a power drop is needed
Any other special needs
Please email me at [email protected].
Also, please pass this information along to anyone you think may be interested in providing a display or commercial table.
Additional information and registration is available online at
Thanks, and see you at the Symposium soon!
Mark Steiner, K3MS
participants (1)
Mark Steiner