AMSAT will have a booth this weekend at the Tampa Bay Hamfest, which is now a Friday-Saturday Hamfest, and has moved from Bradenton to Plant City. See http://www.fgcarc.org/pdf/2013FlierTampaBayHamfest.pdf for times and directions.
Depending on available volunteers, we will have the opportunity to do some live demos, answer questions on the new satellites launched this month, and as always will have books, software, and memberships available.
We are also scheduled for an AMSAT Forum at 9AM on Saturday. This time means that for the forum to happen, I will need some booth volunteers right at the beginning of the hamfest. Also, the more volunteers, the more live demos I can do.
If you are able to help, please drop me and email or call me at 727 612 6626 and let me know when you can help. If you have particular things you want covered in the forum or answered at the booth, please let me know that as well, and I will do my best to be prepared.
Thanks and 73, Drew KO4MA