Thanks for your efforts in this. You are the 4th person I have encountered that has had EXTREME difficulty in configuring for echolink. I am still one of them myself. I finally gave up until I figure I have to use it for something important. Let me look into this somemore and see if I can at least get my system working with it and I'll let you know what I did to get it working. In the meantime, I have forwarded this email to our AMSAT-FLORIDA list in hopes that someone will answer as Scott did who might have another angle on this. I really hope we can find a solution so we can have you as a guest on the net.
I'll be in touch,
Dave, AA4KN
-----Original Message----- From: Bill Dzurilla [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Tuesday, April 01, 2008 11:31 AM To: Scott Schmautz Cc: [email protected] Subject: Re: EchoLink
David, thanks for the invitation to speak to the net. Scott, thanks for helping me try to configure Echolink. Unfortunately, I can't get Echolink to work. I've called my provider and followed the instructions at portforwarding.com and echolink.org to the best of my ability, but no success.
73, Bill NZ5N --- Scott Schmautz [email protected] wrote:
This may help also?
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