1 Nov
1 Nov
6:34 p.m.
The Florida AMSAT Net will meet this Thursday evening at the usual time of 19:30 ET, 23:30 UTC on the West Florida Group Ni4CE repeater system, the Orlando N4HHA repeater at 443.1 MHz, 103.5Hz tone, the N4LEM Cocoa repeater,
147.36 MHz +107.2 PL or connect by echolink to KG4YZY-R. The net's purpose is to provide a platform for hams with amateur satellite interest to meet and discuss topics of interest. All amateurs are invited to join in.
PLEASE NOTE: If the N4HHA repeater is not available tomorrow evening, the net will most likely be held on the 444.125 MHz W4AES repeater 103.5 Hz tone access.
Dave, AA4KN